The 42 Mile Drive is one of the best ways to experience the beauty of Grand Teton by car. 
Grand Teton's 42 Mile Drive
In doing research for your trip to Grand Teton National Park, you may have googled “Things to do in Grand Teton National Park”

...and chances are many articles, blogs, trip reports, top 10 Lists, and even Tripadvisor at some time, somewhere suggested: “Do the 42 Mile Drive”. 

And they are right, you should do it.

The 42 Mile Drive is one of the best ways to experience the beauty of Grand Teton by car.

What they don’t tell you is: what type of drive it is, where to find it, where to start, what you’ll see, nor how much time you need.

And why is it so hard to find a map of this drive?!


Because NONE of the Grand Teton Maps demark or label a 42 Mile Road.


 ...and it shouldn’t be this hard….

ExploreGTNP’s Grand Teton National Park’s 42 Mile Drive Guide gives you all those missing, needed details.

What is Grand Teton's 42 Mile Drive??

First, let's start with a map. (Yea!)

(Right click on the map to save to your device and/or print)
(Right click on the map to save to your device and/or print)
The 42 Mile Drive is actually a loop drive containing Grand Teton’s two main roads between Moose Junction and Moran Junction, HWY 191/89/26 and Teton Park Road. 

Multiple points of interest and scenic views are along this loop with designated stops for you to view them safely.

Please Note, (and this is a very important note): The entire 42 Mile Drive can only be done between May 1st and October 31st, as Teton Park Road (the inner road) is closed to all automobiles every year from November 1st to April 30th.

How Do I Get to Grand Teton's 42 Mile Drive??

There are not any roads named “42 Mile Drive” nor are there any Grand Teton maps with “42 Mile Drive” labeled.

Google will be no help.

When you type in “Grand Teton National Park 42 Mile Drive” it will just lead you to an overview map of the entire park.

So to get to it, you need to get to HWY 191/89/26 and/or Teton Park Road by one of three entry points: (See Previous Map)
  • Moose Junction
  • Moran Junction
  • Jackson Lake Junction

Where Do I Start Grand Teton's 42 Mile Drive??

While Moose, Moran, and Jackson Lake Junctions are entry points onto the 42 Mile Drive loop, you can start the 42 Mile Drive from anywhere on the loop. 
What Will I See On Grand Teton's 42 Mile Drive?
This scenic loop drive has many designated points of interest identified by Grand Teton National Park. 

Points of interest include:
  • Scenic Views: Breath taking views of rivers, creeks, lakes, expansive plains, and of course, different angles and views of the Tetons
  • Historical Sites: Early settlers’ homesteads, ranches, cabins, and two specific spots where meetings took place to make the Grand Teton area a national park
  • Geology Features: Physical examples and evidence of terraces, glaciers, metamorphic rock, earthquakes and fault lines
  • Animal Habitats: Opportunities to see many kinds of wildlife, including moose, elk, bears, bison, antelope, deer, and many different species of birds (including bald eagles!)

How Many Stops and Points of Interest are on the 42 Mile Drive?

Prepare Your Spirit.

There are 24 stops/points of interest.

Plus six additional points of interest that are just outside the 42 Mile Drive that we highly recommend to be included.

So, for our guide, a grand total of 30 stops.

Our Official List of 24 Stops includes:

Moulton Barns on Mormon Row

South String Lake & Bridge View

Schwabacher's Landing

Jackson Lake Dam

Oxbow Bend

Chapel of Transfiguration

...and the rest of the list:

  • Albright View Overlook
  • Blacktail Ponds Overlook
  • ​Glacier View Turnout
  • ​Teton Point Turnout
  • ​Snake River Overlook
  • Cunningham Cabin
  • ​Elk Ranch Flats Turnout
  • ​Chapel of the Sacred Heart
  • ​Signal Mountain Lodge
  • Potholes Turnout
  • Mount Moran Turnout
  • ​Mountain View Turnout
  • Cathedral Group Turnout
  • ​Jenny Lake Scenic Drive
  • ​Cascade Canyon Turnout
  • ​Teton Glacier Turnout
  • ​Windy Point Turnout
  • ​Menor's Ferry Historic District
Did 30 stops make your stomach drop? 

Maybe overwhelm you?

No worries!

You don’t have to go to all of them.

If you do want to go to all of them, you don’t have to do it all in one day.

If you want to go to all of them and do it in one day, that is possible too. You just need a plan.


You Just Need a Plan!
How Much Time is Needed to do Grand Teton's 42 Mile Drive? 
Here is everyone’s favorite answer:…

” depends…”

It depends on how you want to do the 42 Mile Drive.

Options include:
  • If you drive the 42 Mile Drive loop just to watch the ever-changing angles of the Tetons and don’t stop at any of the designated spots, then it can be done easily around 1 hour.
  • If you want to see every stop, you can do it in one day. It will be a long, full day, 9+ hours. Those long summer days of daylight will be your ally.
  • ​If you want to see every stop, and get the most out of each one, consider doing the drive over two days. You could do ½ the drive one day and then do another activity – hike, swim, boat ride, etc, then come back the second day to do the other ½ with fresh eyes and energy. 4-5 hours each day.
  • You can also break up the entire 42 Mile Drive over multiple days and/or not drive it as a loop. Instead you can stop at designated stops as they fit into your schedule.
Our guide can be used whichever way you decide to do the 42 Mile Drive, (if you are doing the 1st option: driving the 42 Miles and NOT visiting any of the stops, you probably won't need all points of interest info in the guide; in that case, just download the map above.)

Using ExploreGTNP's 42 Mile Drive Guide

This guide can be used in two ways, as:
  • A Step by Step Guide - driving and visiting designated stops on the 42 Mile loop, in a specific, sequential order, 
  • A Reference - to help you see and do all the important items at a designated stop 

Step by Step Guide 

You can use this guide to follow and visit stops on the 42 Mile Drive in a specific, sequential order.

This option takes the guesswork out of figuring out what to do, when to do it and where to go next. And the checklists help you see and do everything important at each stop.

This is a good option for those who like a set, step by step plan (like me).

A Reference

If you don't want to do the 42 Mile Drive in a set order, no problem! 

You can use the checklists for each spot as a reference of what to do and see when you stop at any designated spot. 

Just note the number on the map and correspond it to the number of the stop in the guide.

For example, if you are going to Jackson Lake Dam, find the labeled number on the map and find the corresponding checklist in the guide on its specific page.
This guide includes a Site-Specific Checklist of what to See and Do for EACH STOP on the 42 Mile Drive!
Grand Teton 42 Mile Drive Guide

Your Guide to Seeing All the Stops, Spots, Overlooks and Turnouts on the 42 Mile Drive

Complete with Checklists of What You Must SEE and DO for Each Spot!!

What You'll Get with this Guide

ALL the information you need about the 42 Mile Drive including what type of drive it is, how to get to it, how to drive it, what you'll see, and a 42 Mile Drive Map with all the stops labeled (and numbered).

One of the BEST things you get with ExploreGTNP's 42 Mile Drive Guide is:
 A Site-Specific Checklist of what to See and Do for Each Stop.

Each Stop will have their own Checklist that will tell you everything you need to Know, See, and Do, to make sure you don't miss anything!

You'll Also Get...
  • ​42 Mile Drive Driving Map
  • ​​42 Mile Drive with 30 Labeled Stops Map
  • ​An Index of Stops - A brief overview of each location to help you identify which stops will be a priority for you and what you can expect at each one.
  • ​A Complete Supplies Checklist - A list of the obvious items, and not-so-obvious items to make your journey smooth, comfortable, and streamlined
  • ​Specific 42 Mile Drive Logistics - including how to get to the 42 Mile Drive, suggestions on where to start, which direction to drive, what order to see the stops...
  • ​Wildlife Info: What animals to look for at each sight
  • ​Photography Tips: Specific tips on what to photograph and how; for best results
  • ​Pro Tips: including (but not limited to) time management, site navigation efficiency, driving options, strategies to increase enjoyment and minimize obstacles
  • Bonus Tips - Extra, little known info specific to each site; and ideas and suggestions of additional activities if your vacation allows...
  • ​​Dining Suggestions - During and after the 42 Mile Drive
ExploreGTNP's Grand Teton National Park 42 Mile Drive Guide and Maps can be accessed on your computer, tablet or smart phone!
You will be given immediate access after purchasing, so you can get started right away!
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the best time to do the 42 Mile Drive?
If you asking about what time of day, then early morning is the best time to start. Early morning light is great for pictures and it increases your chances of seeing animals. It's cooler in the morning when the animals like to be out. They tend to seek shade as it gets hotter in the day.

If you are asking about what time of year, any time between May 1st and October 31st. This time range is important to remember as 1/2 of the 42 Mile Drive is closed between November 1st and April 30th - Teton Park Road is closed to all cars every year during this time.
Can I find this information for free on the internet?
Some of it you can; the surface level info, like where to find "Cunningham's Cabin"  or "Jenny Lake Drive and Overlook", etc.. whichever specific spot(s) you are looking to visit... This guide has all that info, in addition to very specific information and tips compiled in one place (downloadable guide). This guide saves you all the research time. 

This streamlined guide will help you navigate the sights easily, thoroughly, and efficiently (and give tips for great pictures).
Is this guide available in print?
No, this is a digital download that you will have access to immediately upon purchase.
If I have any questions or concerns, may I contact you?
Of course! You can contact me via email anytime:
Anything else I should know?
Yes, if possible, read through the guide before starting the 42 Mile Drive. There is a check list of suggested supplies included that you may want to make sure you have before starting the drive.

Also, cell service can sometimes be spotty in the park, so you may want to download the guide to your smartphone or digital device.

If viewing on a smartphone, hold the phone in landscape position for best results.
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